Friday 4 March 2011

Shocked and concerned:

I was very disheartened to hear the story of Eunice and Owen Johns this week. 

A Pentecostal Christian couple from Derby who lost their case to foster children because of their Christian views on homosexuality.

The ruling was made after two judges believed sexual equality laws ‘should take precedence’ over the right not to be discriminated against on religious grounds.

The couple who had been fostering since the 1990s withdrew their recent application after a social worker expressed concerns when they stated they could not tell a child a homosexual lifestyle was acceptable.

As a Christian and a former foster child myself I was totally thrown off by this ruling, I think the judge’s made these decisions based on a lack of understanding and a lack of commonsense. 

Speaking after the ruling the couple said "We are prepared to love and accept any child. All we were not willing to do was to tell a small child that the practice of homosexuality was a good thing."

I feel the ruling was nonsensical and regardless of believes I think it is wholly inappropriate to discuss such matters of sexuality with a child anyway, especially before they have matured enough to figure out what their own believes on the matter are. I feel that children are exposed to way too much, and way too early. 

More to the point the actual care they were seeking to obtain would be respite, this suggests that the child parents would still be in the picture and therefore conversations of this nature would be better left to the child’s parent or a social worker in the first place. 

What the story seems to suggest is that the fact that the couple were Christian was not the problem but the fact that their views were deemed to be too “traditional”. 

A spokesperson for the lesbian, gay and bisexual charity Stonewall’ almost suggested that the views of this couple where the last of its kind and that Christians should move with the times. speaking after the ruling he says ‘Thankfully, Mr and Mrs Johns’ outdated views aren’t just out of step with the majority of people in modern Britain but those of many Christians too.

Well who are these Christian that believe this couples views to be outdated? Don’t get me wrong I have friends who happen to be gay and although I don’t chase them down with the bible I do not agree with their lifestyles, but believe their situation to be between them and God. 

But when it comes to small children can't we be trusted to make judgements based on their needs at the time, I just can't believe there will be a situation when this needs to be addressed in this matter, and in regards to teens then surely encouragement and understanding is what is needed.

I think it will be a real shame if this ruling deters Christian from fostering as I feel a child will lose the chance of being brought up in loving homes and possibly the reward of a better upbringing. 

What these judges fail to realise is that as Christian we have so much more to offer.  For example a child who feels disowned and rejected by their parent in this kind of situation will learn to forgive and to love, young women who may seek love in the wrong places will learn to regard themselves as a temple and maybe our young men would be better role models for each other - or maybe that’s just an idealistic view. 

But never the less, I feel this is just another case of the PC brigade making yet another ill informed decision.  

Read full judgement here:


  1. Whew! That was so sad to hear. It feels so bad that the enemy has made his way into the justice system of many nations and we really do have to pray... If only Christians would feel the importance of such matters and the urgency for us to pray about all of this...

    Thanks for sharing...

  2. Thanks for the comment, its so true about the enemy, it seems that God has been taken out everything from marriage to schools...

    Definately something to pray about.
