Wednesday 26 January 2011

Flesh Vs Spirit, Part 1 - Walking in Love: Public Transport

Each day we choose to walk in the spirit is a test in itself, every morning when I open my eyes, adjust my head scarf and prepare for the day ahead, I pray and ask god to strip me of my former nature, I ask him to clothe me as his own chosen representative, to humble me, and to love each person as I love myself.

With good intentions I give myself over to the Holy Spirit and ask God to walk with me, I do this as part of my armour, not only to protect myself against spiritual warfare, but also because I know what awaits me....

Corinthians 13:4 tells us that we should walk in love, not taking offence and taking no account to the evil done to us, we shouldn’t be touchy or resentful, and pay no attention to a suffered wrong.

But how quickly do you forget those words when being hustled onto the bus, each journey turning into a battle of survival, as shopping bags crash into your shins and buggy’s roll over your feet, you hear your flesh screaming, wanting you, urging you to say something, “... er, can’t you look where your going?” Your flesh wants to shout, whilst your spirit man is willing you to remain strong.

No one said walking in love is easy, and God says the path is narrow and only but a few find it, but if I can remain filled with the word of God, what little I suffer now is worth the greatest reward in heaven.

So the next time I am literally packed into a tube carriage as what my sister likes to refer to as cattle, being shuttled from one station to the next whilst breathing in arm pit, and trying to avoid eye contact with complete strangers, with which I seem to be partaking in what can only be described as a human sandwich,  I will continue to have  joy in my heart and a smile (though subtly) on my face, continuing  in the process and clinging steadfastly to the word of god, heartily praying the love chapter over my live and that of others.

God bless xx

Tuesday 25 January 2011

Counting the cost of living for Christ

“If your salvation doesn’t cost you anything, then it isn’t worth anything” that is such a deep statement, but isn’t it true? That was the word spoken at Sunday service, and boy was it needed.

If me coming to God doesn’t affect what’s happening in my life, if nothing has really changed, I’m going to church on Sunday but still taking to the raves on a Saturday night, doesn’t that mean I’m not living for God?

As a Christian I should be making a difference to the people who surround me, God says that we should clothe ourselves as his chosen ones, his own picked representatives, so as a representative of Christ how am I making a difference, if no one can see any considerable differences in my life compared to that of a non-Christian.

Giving your life to God is a sacrifice; we have to be prepared to give up the desires of our flesh in order to live for the spirit, Matthew 16:24 says “who ever desires to be my disciple, let him deny himself [disregard, lose sight of, and forget himself and his own interests] and take up his cross and follow me”.

So what might that sacrifice be? Putting my wants second to Gods, desiring to do the works of God more than anything else, not going to places I know I won’t be able to practice the word of God, not drinking and what ever else we find ourselves doing instead of giving ourselves to God.

For me, fully accepting this would mean to cut off the things I know are a hindrance to my godly walk, and the biggest of these are my non Christian friends, considering the length of time I have known them this is so difficult to do, I hope over time some will be converted, but for some I just know this isn’t true.

God say how can light have fellowship with dark, and the truth is if you’re not for God then you’re against him, maybe that’s just something I have to consider as I gain strength in God.

A sacrifice, yes, but the most important thing a Christian has in there lives is there relationship with God, and no sacrifice we make on this earth can be any greater than what God has already sacrificed for our salvation.

God Bless xx

Friday 21 January 2011

Friday Spotlight: Mouthpi3ce

Welcome to my first Friday spotlight, every week I aim to showcase a talent that I have found inspirational during the week, from artists, to musicians, poets...basically anyone who is glorifying the name of Jesus, Amen?

So for my first ever Friday spotlight all eyes are on the ALT born Mouthpi3ce. I first stumbled across him by accident listening to a Podcast by The Genesiz Lounge.

Gospel Hip hop or Christian rap, whatever you want to call it, there is no doubt that mouthpi3ce has a talent for bringing the message of God to his audience, with a flow that would challenge most mainstream rap artists and an honesty in his lyrics that would touch the hardest heart.

He is living transparent before god and has the ability to deliver a message without preaching, but as someone who has already been there; son of a preacher and musician it’s obvious that the hand of God is truly upon him.
Listen to Mouthpi3ce, Jesus did it (ft Bizzle):

Wednesday 19 January 2011


So I have just come back from Bible study tonight which dealt with the issue of suppression.

This can mean different things for a lot of different people, but for me it's more to do with suppressing certain emotions which go back to how I was brought up.

It was such a powerful session in terms of sharing, we dealt with the issues that can arise from suppression, from anger to growing cold, to worst of all diminishing your relationship with god.

It’s so important to talk to someone, but most importantly take it to God.

God says that we should cast the whole of our cares, anxieties, worries and concerns upon him, for he cares for us. 1 Peter 5:7.

Be sure not to hold on to things as this will lead to more damage in the long term.

Take care, god bless xx

Tuesday 18 January 2011

First post

So, this is the first post of my blog, well first things first, let me explain what this blog is about.

I am a follower of Music, Fashion and anything remotely creative, but first and foremost I am a follower of God.

I gave my life to god a year ago and it has been a tough transition, this blog will cite my walk on the narrow path, as well as show casing the talented and inspirational people who continue to glorify his name.

I hope this blog will have the same casual, and familiar attributes as that of a meeting with an old friend for a brew and a chat.
