Sunday 20 March 2011

I don't usually post twice on the same day but I returned home from church a few hours ago and just feel led to write this.

I posted earlier about the service we would be having today which was a thanksgiving service, but once I arrived at church we were told that in fact service had been changed due to my pastor receiving a word from God.

We have always been taught on the importance of living a ready lifestyle before God, to wait expectantly on his arrival because we can't be sure in the end times whether there would be a rapture or not.

My pastor had never really received a word about rapture- whether it was real or not, but she expressed that we should live to be ready for the coming of God.

Today she preached a word saying that in fact there will be a rapture and only the holy in Christ would be taken.

The word she received was the 7 Dispensations.

Basically, scriptures divide the time of man from the beginning of time to the end, each dispensation represents a period in time where God changed his method for dealing with mankind in regards to sin and responsibility.

Each dispensation starts with the test of man and ends in judgement; five have already been fulfilled, we are currently leaving in the sixth and the seventh remains to come, they are as follows:

1. Innocence - This represents the time of Adam who was created pure without sin, this ended when Adam failed his test and he and Eve were cast out of Eden.

2. Conscious - After the fall of Adam man acquired the knowledge of good and evil , men hearts became wicked, this ended in the flood.

3. Authority - After the flood god gave Noah authority to govern the world, man became independent of God, this ended in the confusion of languages.

4. Promise - God gave his promise to Abraham , the condition of Gods promised were violated and this ended in bondage in Egypt.

5. Law - God sent the 10 commandments which were again violated this ended in Irael and Judah being cast out of the lands.

6. Grace - This is what we are living under now, Gods grace, Jesus died so that we might have salvation, this is where we will see the rapture of Gods holy people because this ends with the reign of the beast and the great tribulation.

7. The reign of Christ - Which is when God will return to the earth and Satan will be bound for 1000 years so people can get saved, this will end in judgement.

I haven't gone into full detail, I really don't want to sit here and pretend that this is a revelation or I am teaching because I am not, this is a message recieved from church which literally smacked me in the face like a lead frying pan.

I wanted to share this so you in turn share this with someone saved or not, we are living in the last days and Jesus' return is so close, when the rapture takes place I want to know that I will be taken, I need a pure heart and I need to be living in alignment with God.

Right now my heart is literally crying out for God, I want to write this so I can look back in a few months and know that I have moved on from here and done whatever I can to live solely and purposely for God.

It not that I haven't been, but I need to ask myself what am I dong for God, then I need to tell myself that I can do more, as christians the bible says we are barely saved, what will become of the people we love who aren't saved?

My salvation is no longer just about me, its about being a light in darkness and guiding people home.

 My church is recieving more teaching on this in the coming weeks and I will do my best to make sure I blog on all of them.

I really pray that we truly soften our hearts to the word of God. That is my biggest prayer.

God bless xxx

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